Corporate Finance
April 12, 2024
5 mins

10 Essential Questions To Ask Yourself Before Selling Your Business

Martin Dean FCCA

Thinking about selling your business? It's an exciting time, but also a significant decision. Before diving in, take a step back and ask yourself these 10 crucial questions to ensure a smooth and successful exit:

Financial Considerations:

  1. Total Value vs. Quick Sale: Is maximising the total sale price paramount, or are you open to a quicker sale for a slightly lower price?
  2. Clean Exit vs. Continued Involvement: Do you envision a complete break from the business, or would you consider staying on in an advisory role after the sale?
  3. Tax Implications: Have you factored in the potential tax consequences of different exit strategies?
  4. Day 1 Cash Flow: Is prioritising a large upfront cash pay-out on the sale a major consideration?

Confidentiality and Transparency:

  1. Sharing Sensitive Information: Are you comfortable disclosing confidential business details to potential buyers during the sales process?

Employee and Legacy Concerns:

  1. Employee Security: How important is the future well-being and job security of your employees after the sale?

Emotional Considerations:

  1. Leaving a Legacy: Does building a lasting legacy with your business hold significant value for you?

Management Team Assessment:

  1. Strength of Your Team: Does your business have a strong and capable second-tier management team that can function independently?
  2. Business Independence: Can your business operate effectively for a period without requiring your direct daily involvement?

Exit Strategy Considerations:

  1. Speed and Certainty: How important is finalising a sale quickly and with minimal uncertainty in the outcome?


No one-size fits all solution! Each exit strategy, whether a trade sale, private equity involvement, management buy out, or employee ownership trust (EOT) has its advantages and drawbacks.

Planning is key! The more prepared you are for the sale process, the greater control you'll have over your options and timeline.

By taking the time to answer these questions honestly, you'll gain valuable insight into your priorities and goals for exiting your business. This self-awareness will empower you to make informed decisions and choose the best path for a successful transition.


  • Consider booking your free consultation here with Martin Dean at Gravitate Corporate Finance for expert advice on how to achieve your goals successfully.
  • Regularly revisit these questions as your circumstances or the market landscape may evolve.

By following these tips, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the exciting, yet complex journey of selling your business.

Martin Dean FCCA

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