Industry News

Find out our picks of industry news in the blogs below
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3 Common Currency Challenges Faced by SME Business Owners

Find out how SME business owners can avoid these 3 common currency challenges!

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Sheffield Businesses Boost Profits with Local Digitalisation Grants!

New grants available for Sheffield Businesses moving into the digital world!

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2024 Spring Budget Statement Summary

Earlier today Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced this year’s Budget, take a read of our summary here.

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Is my business ready for exit / sale? Do I need an exit strategy?

Selling a business is an exciting time, but it’s also one of the most complex and challenging processes that many small and medium-sized

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Making tax digital for income tax

If you’re an SME owner, you may have heard about Making Tax Digital (MTD) and wondered what it means for your business.

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Why is Sheffield being recognised as a top city to start a business?

Sheffield is one of the best places to start a business in the UK.

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What are the benefits of using Xero?

Running a business can be demanding, and keeping up with the finances is no exception.

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What are the benefits of running a limited company?

Are you looking to start your own business, but not sure which type of structure to choose?

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Find out how the Autumn Budget 2021 announces will impact your business

Last week, the Chancellor of the Exchequer – Rishi Sunak – announced a wave of tax reforms...

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Your Guide To Tax In 2021-2022

The amount of tax your business has to pay will change year on year depending on the tax...

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Chasing Bad Debt Costs UK Businesses Over £6 million every year

It feels like an inevitability of business that you’ll forever be chasing bad debtors. Either...

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How To Set Your Business Goals

Many have taken the time during these difficult times to take stock of where they are and how they want to come out of this...

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What are the benefits of a local accountant?

On this blog-piece, we discuss if it's best to use a local accountant or accountancy for your business.

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